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dc.contributor.authorPichugin, Yuri-
dc.contributor.authorAlferov, Gennady-
dc.contributor.authorMalafeyev, Oleg-
dc.identifier.citationY. Pichugin, G. Alferov, O. Malafeyev, Parameters estimation in mechanism design, Contemporary Engineering Sciences Vol. 9, Iss. 1-4, 2016, P. 175-185en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe paper proposes a procedure to estimate the parameters of ex- perimental manipulator robot samples in a series of tests that allows discarding robot samples with parameters being unsuitable for the con- structed mechanism. Features of this approach, providing numerical estimates of the parameters are particularly useful in solving the prob- lems of designing space manipulators that require a higher degree of reliability performance. This procedure can also be used in other prac- tice areas, such as analysis of indirect signs of corruption in the socio- economic, 'nancial, military, geopolitical and other structures.en_GB
dc.publisherHikari Ltd.en_GB
dc.subjectManipulation robot; Mechanism; Stability; Statisticsen_GB
dc.titleParameters estimation in mechanism designen_GB
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